Mark Mackay

One of the foremost marine and wildlife artists of our time, Mark MacKay seeks to reveal the living, breathing spirit of his vibrantly realistic subjects through prolific paintings, sculptures, fountains, ceramics, glass and mosaic creations. And this he does with formidable mastery, reverence and creative consistency.

Working in diverse mediums Mark has created stunning monumental works in paint, bronze, glass, and fired ceramic. For example, a 35′ x 7′ mural for the Outrigger Reef Hotel in Waikiki depicting the rich sea life sustained by the coral reefs in the Pacific that literally appears to swim off the wall!

His hand-sculpted ceramic reef swimming pool in Wailea, Maui totals over 4000 sq’ of fine art, including a photo-realistic sea cave and king-size mosaic hot tub. The submerged reef literally suspends belief with three dimensional detail and flawless accuracy. With over a thousand corals, hundreds of tropical fish and expansive ceramic murals of dolphins, sea turtles, and whales, each viewer is envelope in an inspiring reflection of our ocean environment.

Commissioned by the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Mark recreated the Nautilus Fountain, a 17′ high spiral fountain cascading over mosaic waterfalls and detailed fresco murals of a dolphin’s undersea paradise into a swimming pool bordered by a sand beach. Guests at the Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel are greeted by “Leilani” a life-size Hawaiian maiden in bronze who offers the Spirit of Aloha to all who arrive.


[wpcol_4fifth id=”” class=”” style=””]Sea Dance[/wpcol_4fifth] [wpcol_4fifth id=”” class=”” style=””]Fan Dance[/wpcol_4fifth] [wpcol_4fifth id=”” class=”” style=””]Hawaiian Treasures

[/wpcol_4fifth] [wpcol_4fifth id=”” class=”” style=””]Outrigger Reef Mural [/wpcol_4fifth] [wpcol_4fifth id=”” class=”” style=””]Maui Ocean Center Mural[/wpcol_4fifth] [wpcol_4fifth id=”” class=”” style=””]



My work attempts to express my passionate caring for the creatures and plants on our planet, and for the Earth itself in her most pristine state.

Through the coaxing of raw materials and focused intention, I try to reflect the wondrous beauty and subtle detail of sea and land-dwelling creatures, therefore offering a glimpse into a realm of exquisite balance and timeless serenity.
