Kirk Edwards Photography

Kirk Edwards Photography

screen-shot-2016-11-28-at-8-20-04-pm-copyscreen-shot-2016-11-28-at-8-20-43-pm-copyHula Project

Kirk’s respectful interest for hula and his fond appreciation for the Hawaiian Islands began when he married a local girl from Oahu over a decade ago. Having danced as a young child, his wife’s love for Hula, the importance of the Aloha spirit and her pride for her home inspired Kirk to begin “The Hula Project”.

“The Hula Project” is an exploration of the spiritual integrity of the hula and its significant relationship to nature. The concept was to capture the strength and grace of the dancer and their intimate connection and correlation to the diverse power and beauty of their surroundings at its most basic.

By shooting in black and white, the photographs are stripped of modern day filters and the distractions of digital effects, creating timeless images. Shot strictly in natural light, Kirk honors the sincerity of the dancer, capturing the grace and realness of his subject. The dancer is featured independently to acknowledge the importance and the significance behind the movement. However, the inclusion of landscapes and flowers is essential to give context, revealing the power associated with such grace, and the delicacy of its form to communicate stories throughout generations.

Kirk Edwards was born and raised in Iowa. He moved to New York in 2000 and gained a wide range of experience assisting some of the best photographers in adventure photography, fashion and portraiture. In 2008, Kirk created a name for himself shooting international fashion and commercial work, all the while working on his personal passion, exploring the world of environmental portraiture.

Combining his innovative knowledge of lighting with his elegant eye for detail, Kirk’s work is known to unveil the genuine beauty and the essence of the environment while respectfully capturing the true raw emotion and integrity of his subject.

Kirk has been honored as one of American Photo’s 10 Best Young Photographers in America. He has also been privileged to have been recognized as PDN Photo Annual Winner for Corporate Design/Photo Projects, Website Design, & Faces Competition.

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2017 Art in Curious Times

It’s been a strange, unsettling year in the art market and 2017 looks likely to be just as turbulent. What does a new president who can rattle the world with a tweet mean for an industry so dependent on the international rich? The answer is that no one knows, but it is a hot topic among gallery owners and auctioneers this new year.

In 2016, the art market received what it had purportedly wished for – some of the speculative froth came off the top of the market, easing fears that a bubble would burst and hurt the industry. But it also received much of what it probably did not forecast or desire: a 30% drop in overall market volume, a series of high-profile disputes, court actions and authenticity issues that resulted in substantial payouts, and a fall-off in attendance at some art fairs that read to some as cultural cooling-off at the bling end of the contemporary art business.

The two major auction houses, privately held Christie’s and publicly listed Sotheby’s, have also undergone substantial changes to their business models whose reverberations are still being assessed.

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2017 Art Market Turbulence

2017 Art Market Turbulence

A dwindling supply of top-quality work, costly seller-guarantee systems and the overheads required to secure lots for sale have proved unsustainable. Both houses saw drops in business, with Sotheby’s down from $6bn in 2015 to roughly $4.1bn in 2016.

“The art market went down primarily because a small number of high-value objects did not trade hands as they had in 2015 and that reduced the overall market volume,” says Art Market Monitor’s Marion Maneker.

Still, both Sotheby’s and Christie’s auction houses instigated shakeups of their tradition-bound methods of business.

Christie’s contemporary art chief, Brett Gorvy, quit after 23 years at the auction house to join Dominique Lévy’s gallery, which represents Frank Stella and the estate of Yves Klein among others. Sotheby’s too lost several longstanding department executives and announced plans to start offering management services to living artists as well as artist’s estates.

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